Nos amis de chez Nikon ont lancé une nouvelle optique.
Le 58mm f1.4 AF-S !!! (english below)
Je ne pouvais pas faire autrement que le comparer à l’optique mythique dont il s’inspire, à savoir le Nikkor Noct 58mm f1.2 … que j’ai mis 10 ans à dénicher.
Cette optique est un Noct Nikkor 58mm f1.2 AI avec un diaphragme à 7 lamelles.
J’en ai aussi profité pour partager avec vous mes périgrinations nocturnes … un petit click sur la photo suffira
Pour nos amis à tablettes allergiques au Flash … Noctambule1 Noctambule2 et Noctambule3
Quoi qu’il en soit …. ce sont vraiment deux optiques d’insomniaque !!!!
Du pur plaisir !!!
Pour ce qui est du Noct, je vous renvoie au site de Mir, au site de Nikon, et pour illustrer la correction du Coma Sagittal je vous renvoie au site de MomentCorp
Maintenant il est clair que ces optiques ne sont pas pour tous.
Mais si vous aimez prendre des photos de nuit à pleine ouverture …. et que vous êtes Nikonistes … il ne faudra pas attendre 10 ans pour obtenir un 58/1.4 AF-S
Hello everyone, due to a recent publication on Nikon Rumors … I experience a slight increase in views on my blog
So in this post I tested a new Nikon 58mm F1.4 AF-S lens against my 10 years quest Nikkor Noct 58 f1.2 AI version …
This Noct is the AI 7 blades diaphragm … I haven’t found an AIS version who comes with a 9 blades diaphragm.
9 blades is said to produce a nicer Bokeh …. the 58mm F1.4 comes with 9 blades !!!
My sample pictures are done without any filter and without lens shade, on a tripod at 200iso on a Nikon D3, by night, aiming at direct light source in order to illustrate the level of coma correction these lenses produce.
These are especially hard conditions, and this is the reason why the Noct doesn’t perform, flare wise, has one might expect … but this is why I wanted to compare them.
Have also a look at the light source, and how sharp they are … this is coma correction !
Flickr set I sent to Nikon Rumors.
Here are sample shot taken by night between 4am and 8am in Brussels Belgium … mainly with the AF-S but some shots are taken with the Noct.
A quick conclusion … I love my Noct … but in hard light conditions the 58mm AF-S out performs it !!!
Again, a Noct or 58 AF-S, are not every day lenses for every one.
If one buys any of these lenses to use it at F16 … it’s a non sense.
These babies are made to shoot at wide aperture !!!
My hart goes for the Noct … because I have been hunting it for a decade !!! But if i was asked today to pick a lens for night shot … for half the price ones finds a Noct second hand … I would go for the AF-S !!!
The quality built of the Noct is rock solid … but the weight goes with it !!
The AF-S is lighter, and that is not bad if you go on long night strolls
For me the best description for the AF-S so far is: “a lens for those sleepless nights”